Monday 3 November 2014

Advantages and Disadvantages of Marijuana

Flowering Cannabis Plant
Marijuana or known as Cannabis, Weed, Bud and etc. is such a plant that is geographical origin in Central Asia and South Asia. The Active ingredients in this plant consists of Tetrahydrocannbinol, Cannabidiol, Cannabinol, and Tetrahydrocannabivarin. Their main producers are Afghanistan. Burma, Canada, China, Colombia, India, Jamaica, Laos, Lebanon, Mexico, Netherlands, Pakistan, Uruguay, Thailand, Turkey and United States.

Several type of Cannabis.


1)Physical Benefits - far searching, widespread and long-term. Because marijuana impacts hte Autonomic Nervous System (ANS) which expands the breath and relaxes the body, its potential for health and healing are enormous, and have been completely unrealized by Western Medicine.

2)Psychological Benefits - when we balance the ANS, there is an effect on the mind that is both energizing and relaxing SIMULTANEOUSLY. In other words, we can think more clearly and efficiently.

3)Medical Benefits - available as medicine legally until 1937. It appears in almost every known book of medicine written by ancient scholars. It is usually ranked among the top medicines, called 'panaceas', which means 'cure all'. List of diseases can be cure by cannabis include: multiple sclerosis, cancer treatment, AIDS, glaucoma, depression, epilepsy, migraine headache, asthma, pruritis, sclerodoma, severe pain an dystonia.

For Medical Purposes. 


1) Cause short-term memory problems and it causes lung cancer and other smoking-related diseases, just like cigarettes.

2) Long term usage may lead to addiction. Also cause sleeplessness, decreased taste, bad temper and anxiety all which make it hard to quit. excessice may cause depression, anxiety, suicidal desire and schizophrenia.

3) Chronic use of marijuana, especially youngster may causes risk of mental illness, vulnerability, and exposure to violence. Heart beat is increased by 20 to 80 percent and this effect can last for over 3 hours.

4) Burns about three times hotter than cigarettes which could burn hair of lungs faster which will create cancerous cells to spread faster. Also coats the neuron in THC and wont allow neurons to connect. In easy word, may make you dumb.
World Map's of Legality of Cannabis.


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    Disadvantages of Weed

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