Thursday 4 September 2014

Getting to KL Sentral and Puduraya Bus Terminal.

Quite 'sometime' on-board, getting signing off is the most graceful moment for every seafarer because there when our time to leave the steel sailing creatures and, going home!
It was talking about arrived in Malaysia. Since not every body were familiar with Kuala Lumpur, but most of time we will ended up here in Kuala Lumpur International Airport(KLIA) or KLIA2 due to sign off or travel purpose before arriving our intended place, this post is regarding how do we get to KL Sentral and to Pudaraya Bus Terminal that would bring us to our beloved home sweet home or destination!

If you're coming from abroad Malaysia by flight, your arrival port may be at KLIA or KLIA2, but it is this post only direct you if you were arrived only at KLIA, or only for KLIA2? Yes! it may apply to both airport since both airport were placed just by each side another,

from both airport, we got 3 ways to get out from there, by cab, which is quite expensive, by KLIA Ekpres(train), may cost you about RM35.00 for 40 minutes journey direct to KL Sentral, or by Bus which cost you about RM10.00 direct to KL Sentral.

Getting to KL Sentral from KLIA2 by bus.

Escape from KLIA2

This is direction on how to get to KL Sentral as we step into arrival gate :)

As we arrived at the arrival gate, just go to the immigration gate to clear our document and paper, clear with immigration, we'll find baggage claim.

From immigration gate, find way out till you find Gloria Jean's and walk passing infront of the elevator door, walk straight away trough this alleyway,

till you saw Guardian, 

the entry to elevator that'll going to the exit door just behind that Guardian,

enter the elevator, push the L1(red), elevator will going down,

and you'll see this exit door 3, there where you're going to pick bus to KL Sentral.

and here schedule of the bus.

Arrived KL Sentral, to the Puduraya Bus Terminal

After 1 hour and 15 minutes with bus from airport, you will arrived in KL Sentral.

At this area where you will disembark from bus, climb through escalator there, turn left and enter the door into the Sentral. Now, you need to go to
KL Sentral Mono-rel Station → Hang Tuah Station, interchange to → Plaza Rakyat Station(Puduraya Bus Station). If your destination ended here, place that you may interested to visit such Little India Brickfields, National Planetarium, National Stadium, Islam Art Museum, Bird Park, Tun Abdul Razak Memorial and NU Sentral.

Right after enter the door, climb this escalator that directed to NU Sentral.

Just enter this gate,

 walk through this alleyway,

till you find another escalator, go down by it,

 going down, go out through the black frame door,

 follow that red shirt dude path,

go down this escalator, and and make a U-turn on your left side,

 after U-turn, right ahead you will see that KL Sentral Monorel Station,

 take transit to Plaza Rakyat Station, you may purchase the token form the machine or direct from counter,

 here where you wait for the monorail,

you must get out form monorail as you arrived at Hang Tuah Station, where you are going to make interchange to Plaza Rakyat Station.

Arrived Hang Tuah Station → Plaza Rakyat Station

 as you get out from monorail, step down the exit way and enter the tunnel where you see all the people coming form,

 the tunnel will guide to this bunch of escalator, yes go down by it,

see the entrance on left, go through it,

 here there will be 2 down step, take the second one that you will see, the outer most,

 where signed Sentul Timur,

 go down step, and take the LRT from here,

Plaza Rakyat Station just the next stopping station after you hop in this train, be careful.

Arrived Plaza Rakyat Station → Puduraya Bus Terminal

 when you going down as you jump out from train, prior discharge your token at this station, make heading on the left of yours, and walk straight through this way,

 until you find this diverges, take the right side and walk straight,
keep straight if you intended going to the famous Petaling Street, Central Market, Masjid Jamek, National Historical Museum and Sultan Abdul Samad's Building.

 take this entrance,

now you're already inside the terminal, keep strainght this path,

here you arrive where the gate to the bus that would take to your destination :)

There how would you get to bus terminal from the airport, journey from KL Sentral may take about 30 minutes (fastest I've done) but you need to be hurry!

Hope this post may help your travel at least, that's all from us, bon voyage!

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